The opinions expressed on this website are solely those of the author and do not reflect the viewpoints of any other individuals or entities.

Albanese supports the terrorist state of Israel. I will vote NO!

Summary: The Australian government led by the labour party is a hypocrite government supporting the terror state of genocide and apartheid of Israel. All Australian Muslims stand firm and strong with the rights of the Palestinian people. A government that supports the killing of our brothers and sisters will not get any of our votes. I would like to acknowledge the Gadigal of the Eora Nation, the traditional custodians of this land and pay my respects to their Elders both past and present.

Introduction to witchcraft and wizardry using Z3

Z3 is a high-performance theorem prover that was developed by Microsoft Research. It is used to solve SMT (Satisfiability Modulo Theories) problems.It supports a wide range of logical theories, including arithmetic, bitvectors, arrays, and quantifiers. It can be used to prove theorems and to check the satisfiability of formulas. It is used in many applications such as program analysis, software/hardware verification, and security. In this tutorial, we will introduce the basics of SMT and then dive into how to use Z3 to solve SMT problems.

But How do QR Codes Actually Work?

QR codes (Quick Response Codes) are one of the hottest trends especially after the Covid-19 pandemic. QR codes are everywhere; you can find them on your favorite products, billboards, business cards etc. QR codes were invented by Japanese company Denso Wave in 1994. What is a QR code? A QR code is a two-dimentsional barcode that consists of squares (or other shapes) arranged on a grid with a white (or another color) background.

Logic and Proofs

A proof is a verification of a proposition by a chain of logical deductions from a set of axioms. There are several different methods of proof that mathematicians and logicians use to demonstrate the truth of a statement. In this article, we will discuss some common proof methods. Before diving deep into proofs, it’s useful to discuss a more general definition of a proof. A proof is a method of ascertaining/establishing/verifying the truth.

Logical Falacies and How to Spot Them

When you are having a debate with someone, it is important to be able to identify logical falacies they may use against you to win the argument or weaken your position. Logical falacies errors in reasoning that can make arguments seem convincing, but are ultimately flawed. They can be found in everyday conversations, media, politics, and even in academic research. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most common logical falacies and how to identify them.

Containers, Streams and Codecs Explained

If you want to work with multimedia files, you need to understand the concepts of containers, streams and codecs. This post will explain what they are and how they work. Containers A container is a file format that can contain one or more streams. The most common container formats are MP4, MKV, AVI, MOV, FLV and WebM. The container format is usually determined by the file extension. For example, a file with the extension .

Ffmpeg Filters Explained

Ffmpeg is a powerful tool for working with multimedia files. I’ve put an introduction here. This article talks about how filters work in ffmpeg in more detail. Ffmpeg ships with many audio and video filters. Examples of FFmpeg filters You can use the -vf option to apply a filter to a video or the -af option to apply a filter to an audio file. For example you can use the following command to apply the boxblur filter to a video with radius 10.


Lavfi (Libavfilter) is a library used by ffmpeg to provide a virtual input device that can be used to create video and audio streams. To use with ffmpeg, you can use the -f lavfi option to specify the input format as lavfi. For example, if you have ffmpeg installed, open a terminal and run the following command. ffplay -f lavfi color=c=pink This will play a video with a pink background indefinitely until you hit q or Ctrl+C to exit the command.

Sync Files Between Devices Using Rsync

Rsync is a powerful command-line utility used for syncing files between two locations. It is commonly used for backups, migrations, and mirroring data between servers or directories. Rsync uses the delta-transfer algorithm, which means it only transfers the parts of files that have changed, resulting in faster transfers and reduced bandwidth usage. In this post, we will cover the basic usage of rsync and some advanced options. Prerequisites A Unix-like system with rsync installed (rsync is usually pre-installed on most Linux distributions).

Cast Media to Chromecast using Castnow

What is Castnow? You know how to cast media from your phone or tablet to your Chromecast. But did you know you can also cast any audio/video file on the internet using a direct link to your Chromecast? Castnow is a command-line tool you can use to cast media from your computer to your Chromecast or any cast-enabled device without needing any additional software or hardware. Castnow supports a wide range of media formats, including MP4, AVI, MKV, and more.