Why does the U.S. see itself as the best nation brought forth to mankind
- 5 min read
The chosen nation
One of the biggest reasons the world has been living in chaos is the liberal crusades that the U.S. has been waging against many nations that do not embrace the same liberal philosophies. The U.S. and its allies have been very determined to impose their liberal values on non-liberal nations by force. Examples of these liberal values are:
- Democracy
- The rule of law
- Free market economy
- Human rights
For liberals, human rights are
- Right to life and property
- Right to liberty
- Right to equality
- Right to the pursuit of happiness (A term coined by Thomas Jefferson in the American declaration of independence)
While these four rights might seem like vague rhetorical expressions, but in reality, each of them is based on philosophies that have been developing for hundreds of years and they are the foundations for most domestic and foreign policies for nations that adopt these values, often times leading to major complications between the liberal and the non-liberal worlds. Two questions arise when thinking about this behaviour:
- What does the liberal US gain from spreading its liberal views by force?
- Why does the US believe that it is fit for this mission?
The good and evil rhetoric
Liberals believe that the world is divided into two camps, **the good people’s camp** and **the bad people’s camp**. The good people’s camp is comprised of liberal democracies and the bad people’s camp is anything but liberal democracies. They also believe that all wars and calamities in the world are caused by the the non-liberal regimes. As a result, liberal countries must work towards overthrowing these non-liberal regimes in order to protect the people of liberal countries as well as the people of the non-liberal countries from the aggression of non-liberal regimes.
To be safe, democracy must kill its enemy when it can and where it can. The world cannot be half democratic and half autocratic. It must be all democratic or all Prussian. There can be no compromise. - Elihu Root (US secretary of state, 1917)
The US believes that liberal democracies are less likely to engage in external conflicts, leading to a more stable international order.
Reenforcing superiority and dominance
The US is the greatest military power on earth. Having come on top in World War II with its allies, the US got to be the most powerful and wealthiest country on earth. In order maintain the longevity of this status quo, the US had to do what powerful countries usually do: invade, steal the wealth of other nations and destroy its enemies. If the US was to do this while revealing its true intention without any “moral” ground, it would very quickly find itself isolated and its empire would very quickly come crashing down. It’s a lot easier for the US to rally its allies to kill and displace millions of people for a noble cause than a non-noble one, even if the means and the results are exactly the same.
Real ideological beliefs
Most Americans have very strong national pride and a very good self-image about the land of liberty and opportunity. It is very easy for Americans to sleep at night knowing that their country is causing grief for millions of people around the world (e.g. Iraq or Afghanistan) if it’s for a noble cause like spreading liberalism and democracy.
Almost everyone in the world believes that the US and its allies are two faced hypocrites who believes in the liberal values only when it suits their interests, while in fact they are perfectly okay when these values are violated because of their foreign policies. This hypocrisy can’t get more obvious than supporting Ukraine in its struggle against the Russian invasion while at the same time supporting the Israeli occupation in Palestine and their aggression against Gaza and aiding the Israelis with money and weapons. Despite this fact, some westerners really believe that the liberal west genuinely believe that they are the knight in the white satin armour and they are sent to spread good and to eradicate evil.
Closing thoughts
The liberal values are generally a good thing, however, the western imperial machine is tirelessly using these good values as a justification for the mischief they constantly inflict upon the unfortunate nations they deem as enemies. The biggest ally of the US and its god child is a racist apartheid state and an illegal occupation but it is a “democracy”. The US will never try to force, or even ask Israel to respect human rights or even international laws.
Also, for some countries, the US doesn’t mind them being ruled by dictators. In fact, the US cannot accept a democracy in some countries like middle eastern Muslim countries. A democracy in these countries will never be good news for the US and for Israel. All regimes in these countries are dictatorships which have absolute power over their people, in that case, all the US has to do is to control the dictator and then they in turn control all the people in these countries.
In conclusion, US politicians claim that they are the best nation brought forth to mankind. All of them repeat this lie long enough until it becomes a fact.