Congratulations Trump - An extremely heart-felt welcome
- 3 min read
I don’t like Trump. But Him winning this election brought me more joy than any other news in many years. Here’s why:
Democrats got the humiliation they deserve
Democrats are an extremely arrogant and narcissistic bunch, they look down upon their own people and everyone else in the world that doesn’t follow their agenda. They think they are the guardians of the world’s ethics and morality while being filled with extreme blood-thirsty zionism and while doing so, they wage wars or employ dirty schemes in every corner of the world destroying them and causing the death of hundreds of thousands of people. They deserve to be humiliated and marginalized. They deserve to expelled out of presidency and the Congress. They deserve to be put in the garbage bins.
Trump knows that Ukraine is bad business
The Ukraine war has been very bad for the American, European and for world economy. This war has to end. Trump wants to fix the American economy and he will put an end to this war.
Trump knows that Israel is bad business
While Trump is a conservative republican, which means unlimited support for the terrorist state of Israel. Trump is a pragmatic leader and a businessman before anything else. He is blunt and he doesn’t like bullshit. Trump promised to end the Israel war in the middle east, and I trust that he will do it. He will force Netanyahu to stop the war. And all the whole world can’t wait to see this dirty pig humiliated. Trump also wants to get the Noble Prize for peace if he achieves peace in the middle east, he knows that the only obstacle on his way is Israel.
Trump will never forget that Netanyahu let him down
Trump and Netanyahu were the closest of political allies during the four years they overlapped in office. Not anymore. “I haven’t spoken to him since,” Trump said of the Israeli prime minister. “F**k him.”.
In the 2020 elections, Trump claimed that he didn’t lose the election and when Netanyahu rushed to congratulate the old senile Biden.
He also said he will never forget that Netanyahu let them down when they pulled back from their coordinated attack on Qassem Soleimani.
Now Trump is one to take things very personally so I am almost certain that he will punish Netanyahu for his betrayals.
Trump didn’t mention the Jews in his winning speech
In his winning speech, Trump mentioned all the minorities and thanked them for voting him in. He even mentioned the American Muslims acknowledging their support. The only minority he didn’t mention is the jews. I was watching this live and when I noticed it, I knew that all my suspicions are true. Trump is not good news for Israel.
The democrats gave Israel unlimited and unprecedented support in their deadly wars in the middle east. Israel knew that the democrats are weak, foolish, zionist to the core and very easy for them to manipulate. Trump is strong and unpredictable (to them). That’s why Israel supported the democrats and the jews voted for them. Trump will not forget that.
The democrats despise the Muslims, they blackmail their leaders in exchange for keeping their dictator regimes alive and their never-ending wars in the middle east have killed millions of innocents over the years. I don’t like Trump. He is a bully. He bullies Muslims for money, but so does every other American leader. What’s different is that Trump bullies everyone else and he will bully the democrats and he will bully Israel which they are not used to. I can’t wait to see the humiliations he will deliver to them!